As any prudent homeowner, you want your home to be safe and free from pests. Unfortunately, pest infestations are rather typical in Glen Ellyn. The moment you identify insects, rodents, or bugs on your property, you have to consider immediate remediation. DIY ideas and supermarket products may sound lucrative, but these don’t work on active infestations. You need a professional company, such as If you are hiring pest control for the first time, here’s what you should know. 

  1. Always start with basics: How long has the company worked in Glen Ellyn? Does it have a license? Does it serve both commercial and residential clients? Is the company reputed? What kind of pests does the team deal with? When hiring a service, these are some of the initial details you need to review. 
  2. Look at reviews: Ratings on Google and social media reviews can help you find a reliable company for pest control. Make sure to check for possible trends. Are there too many negative reviews? If yes, are these reviews of the same kind? Angry customers write more than happy ones, but when there is a pattern, you know the service is not right. 
  3. Schedule inspections early: The first step in professional pest control is to check the client’s property. The inspection helps in identifying the exact problem at hand and determining the treatment plan. As a customer, you get the chance to interact with technicians and ask questions that will help you know the company. 
  4. Learn more about green pest control: There was a time when exterminators would use harsh chemicals, pesticides, and termiticides to get rid of different pests. However, today, the gold standard is Integrated Pest Management, where the focus is on the removal and reducing the environmental risk of pesticides. If you can find a company that practices IPM, always prefer them over others. 
  5. Ask about safety: It is also a good idea to talk to pest control experts and ask them about the various steps they will take for safety. Discuss whether you need to remove your pets from the property and if some belongings must be kept away. Ensure the company has liability insurance to cover damage to your home. 
  6. Know about regular pest control: Even if you don’t have an active infestation, consider investing in periodic pest control. Preventing pests is the best approach, and with such services, the experts and technicians will check the property to identify signs. You can even have an annual contract for a fixed price. 
  7. Avoid the cheap services: There is a reason why some companies charge more for pest control than others. That’s because they have invested in training teams, acquiring tools and equipment, and buying safer products. Avoid comparing local services based on estimates alone. 
  8. Consider the contract carefully: There are companies that will offer a guarantee on the work. If pests return within the period of the contract, they will revisit and do necessary treatments. It is wise to review pest control contracts carefully. Check if all the details are included, and if there is a discount, they must be mentioned. 

Final word

Hiring a professional service isn’t just about getting rid of nasty pests. It is also about protecting the health of your family. Rodents and many other insects can cause damage to your property, and the repairs can cost thousands of dollars. In contrast, the cost of hiring a pest control company in Glen Ellyn is much less. Also, you will have the peace of mind of knowing that the work was done by people who are seasoned in the field and have the necessary training.