There are many healthy, easy, and beneficial ways of recycling old mattresses. Many companies are trying really hard to help save the planet by helping people recycle their old mattresses, and must be appreciated for their efforts. 

By recycling your mattresses, you can not only help the planet but also benefit directly from them. You can also help other people by donating your old mattresses to needy people. 

The point is that you must consider recycling your old mattresses before replacing them with new ones. Here are some important considerations you should keep in mind. 

  1. The best way to truly recycle an old mattress is to reuse it. This is, in fact, the most eco-friendly option. There are many online stores where you can sell old mattresses either for free or for a small fee. 
  2. Search for recycling facilities around you, such as the Recyc-Matelas mattress recycling company. Such companies and facilities will even pay you for your old mattresses. So, just like you can benefit from selling your old mattress, you can also benefit from it if you recycle it with the help of recycling companies. 
  3. It’s better to help other needy people sometimes. If you have made up your mind about replacing your old mattresses and buying new ones, don’t discard the used ones. There are plenty of people who can’t afford a mattress and you can help them. You can donate your old mattress to needy people and other NGOs. 
  4. You can also swap your old mattresses for new ones. There are many mattress manufacturers who encourage recycling old mattresses. They will take your old mattresses and deliver you new ones. The manufacturer will then re-use the material from your old mattresses for making new mattresses. 
  5. Mattresses are notoriously known for bed bugs, so always wash your mattresses before selling, re-purposing, or donating them.


We all are well aware of the fact that inorganic substances are highly harmful to the planet due to their inability to degrade. These substances take decades to degrade and contribute significantly to global pollution. 

One of the daily used objects that contain inorganic substances is mattresses. While not all mattresses are made of inorganic substances, most of them are. On top of that, people usually just dump or burn old mattresses without properly recycling them. 

They don’t realize or consciously don’t care, that not recycling old mattresses is bad for them and the planet. We should be responsible citizens and recycle our old mattresses or re-use them in healthy ways.