It is very important to keep the house neat and clean and to maintain hygiene. However, it becomes hard when creatures like flies, cockroaches, and rats start roaming and growing in the house. Rats not only make the house unhygienic,but also destroys different things present in the house. Here we are going to have a look at how they infest and the major causes behind it.

What are the factors behind rat infestation?

There are various reasons behind the infestation of rats which we should know to prevent their infestation.

Here are the various causes and factors behind the infestation of the rats:

  • Weather: during the winter season the Rats become more active as food scarcity is generally seen during this season. Also, they need to keep their body temperature warm. Hence,make sure to keep things well maintained.
  • Easy passage: Due to their size and teeth it’s way easier for them to invade the house easily. Mostly they enter the home through:
  1. Open windows: they can easily climb the wall and can enter through the window even though there is a little gap.
  2. Structural damage: they can easily damage things and can make their passage through anything.
  3. Plumbing issues: The need for water attracts themto the pipes through which they can easily enter the home.
  4. Clutter: these are the perfect place for the rats to settle and make their nests.
  • Food: mostly rats enter the housein search of food. They are mostly attracted to food like crumbs, leftovers, spills, pet food, etc.

How to know if there is a rat invasion in your place?

There are certain signs of the invasion of rats with which you can assume or make sure that you’re having a rat invasion in your place. So here are some of the signs:

  • Rat footprint:in case of invasion, it is very common to get the footprint of the rats in dusty places like basementsand attics. You can also find their nest with their footprint.
  • Scratching: mostly rats come out of their nest during the night to search for food. In case you hear any kind of scratching sound at the night time, you can assume that there might be a rat producing that sound.
  • Foul-smelling: During rat invasion due to their leftovers and defecation they start producing a foul smell around their place.
  • Rat waste: rats usually have oval and olive-colored fecal matter. If you find such substances,you can be sure of the presence of rat in your house.

How to get rid of the rat invasion?

If you’re worried about the rat invasionthen you can take the help of the professionals. You can find such professionalsby contacting pest control Manchester a local pest control company that is providing pest controlling services for more than 30 years. They not only give a quick response, but also provides their clients with a wide range of services with their professionalB.P.C.A Trainees.


Rat invasion can cause more severe problems as they may carry severe infectious diseases with them. Hence, it is necessary to get rid of the invasion as soon as possible.